Sydtrafik App Remake

Voluntary Project

All assets other than the interface design

are copyrighted by Sydtrafik.

Sydtrafik App Remake

Voluntary Project

All assets other than the interface design

are copyrighted by Sydtrafik.

About Sydtrafik

About Sydtrafik

Sydtrafik is a public transport company that operates buses in the southern part of Jutland, Denmark. It provides travel planning, tickets, fares and customer service for its passengers.

Sydtrafik is a public transport company that operates buses in the southern part of Jutland, Denmark. It provides travel planning, tickets, fares and customer service for its passengers.



I volunteered to come up with design improvements for Sydtrafik's app, given that it had a low rating in the app store as well as some negative feedback.

I volunteered to come up with design improvements for Sydtrafik's app, given that it had a low rating in the app store as well as some negative feedback.

Role & Skill

Role & Skill

Role: UX Designer, UI Designer.

Skill: AI tools, Figma, Analyze, Motion, Prototype

Role: UX Designer, UI Designer.

Skill: AI tools, Figma, Analyze, Motion, Prototype

I improved the ux of this low-rated app

by focusing on the following 4 aspects

I improved the ux of this low-rated app

by focusing on the following 4 aspects

  • Interface Refinement

    Addressing navigation and layout issues, I'll design an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

  • Streamlined Ticketing

    To eliminate user confusion, the ticketing process will be simplified for clarity and ease.

  • Real-Time Updates

    I'll introduce a more effective display of real-time transit updates and ensure prompt notifications for any changes or disruptions.

  • Enhanced Support

    I'll bolster support mechanisms to address app stability, compatibility, and ticket-related concerns.

Interface Refinement

Addressing navigation and layout issues, I'll design an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Streamlined Ticketing

To eliminate user confusion, the ticketing process will be simplified for clarity and ease.

Real-Time Updates

I'll introduce a more effective display of real-time transit updates and ensure prompt notifications for any changes or disruptions.

Enhanced Support

I'll bolster support mechanisms to address app stability, compatibility, and ticket-related concerns.

My digital design background enables unique creativity. I achieve this through 3 key perspectives:

My digital design background enables unique creativity. I achieve this through 3 key perspectives:

  • Maximize Features

    Inspired by Apple, I focus not just on app design but also system functionality and seamless device integration.

  • Motion and more

    My expertise in motion design and refined illustrations enhances user experiences, especially through micro-interactions.

  • Maximize AI Tools

    Throughout the design process, from conception to production, I integrate AI tools to harness technology's potential and boost efficiency.

Maximize Features

Inspired by Apple, I focus not just on app design but also system functionality and seamless device integration.

Motion and more

My expertise in motion design and refined illustrations enhances user experiences, especially through micro-interactions.

Maximize AI Tools

Throughout the design process, from conception to production, I integrate AI tools to harness technology's potential and boost efficiency.


Motion Design

Ticket Verification Animation

Ticket Verification Animation

Tickets now feature a dynamic display for instant authenticity checks. The new design transitions from a static gradient to a discreet animation, streamlining validation for drivers and enhancing usability for passengers.

Tickets now feature a dynamic display for instant authenticity checks. The new design transitions from a static gradient to a discreet animation, streamlining validation for drivers and enhancing usability for passengers.

Intuitive Schedule Selection

Intuitive Schedule Selection

The 'Schedule Selection' interface adopts ticketing design principles, featuring an optimized layout and live updates on schedule availability for faster user decision-making. A prominent yellow color scheme and animated timeline enhance the overall user experience.

The 'Schedule Selection' interface adopts ticketing design principles, featuring an optimized layout and live updates on schedule availability for faster user decision-making. A prominent yellow color scheme and animated timeline enhance the overall user experience.

Maximize the use of Apple Devices

Maximize the use of
Apple Devices

Context Menu on iOS

Context Menu on iOS

Combined with the Context Menu in iOS, the efficiency of users to view purchased tickets or buy tickets can be improved.

Combined with the Context Menu in iOS, the efficiency of users to view purchased tickets or buy tickets can be improved.

Widget on iOS

Widget on iOS

Users can add Sydtrafik's widget to the lock screen and quickly check the departure time of the bus or access the app.

Users can add Sydtrafik's widget to the lock screen and quickly check the departure time of the bus or access the app.

Live Activities on iOS

Live Activity keeps app information such as bus times and stop locations readily accessible on your iPhone. Utilize it to promptly see bus departure countdowns and boarding gate details, making for a more efficient pre-ride check.

Live Activity keeps app information such as bus times and stop locations readily accessible on your iPhone. Utilize it to promptly see bus departure countdowns and boarding gate details, making for a more efficient pre-ride check.

Enhancing Connectivity with Apple Watch

Enhancing Connectivity with

Apple Watch

Apple Watch apps excel in giving you the essentials fast, complementing the iPhone for an integrated user experience.


Multitasking: Get live transit info with a simple wrist raise, whether you’re at the stove or on the treadmill.

Discreet Updates: Stay informed with subtle watch notifications in situations where phone use is a distraction.

Haptic Notifications: Feel route changes and alerts through the watch’s vibrations, perfect when you can’t look or listen."

Multitasking: Get live transit info with a simple wrist raise, whether you’re at the stove or on the treadmill.

Discreet Updates: Stay informed with subtle watch notifications in situations where phone use is a distraction.

Haptic Notifications: Feel route changes and alerts through the watch’s vibrations, perfect when you can’t look or listen."

Banner Illustration

Banner Illustration

Before & After

Faster, accurate ticket purchasing

According to the feedback from users, some of them will buy wrong tickets or have difficulty in purchasing. I redesigned the interface to emphasize the schedule design to help users quickly locate their schedules.

According to the feedback from users, some of them will buy wrong tickets or have difficulty in purchasing. I redesigned the interface to emphasize the schedule design to help users quickly locate their schedules.

Improved search experience

I improved the bus stop search experience, for example, I added a map of the user's location and the distance of nearby stops to give the user a more accurate sense of location.

I improved the bus stop search experience, for example, I added a map of the user's location and the distance of nearby stops to give the user a more accurate sense of location.

Easier to get help

Based on user feedback, it is common to encounter problems while using the software, so I redesigned the page to make it easier for users to get help.

Based on user feedback, it is common to encounter problems while using the software, so I redesigned the page to make it easier for users to get help.

Color Palette